Mowing large areas other than lawns can require big equipment and a lot of technique to do it right. It helps to have these: a flail mower, a chopper mower, a rotary mower like a brush hog too. These industrial machines working together with good strategy will get the job done right, so you don’t have to watch everything get overgrown again and procrastinate getting out there. You don’t have to watch your animals or kids be hindered by out of control natural areas. You can take care of your yards, orchards and pastures with some simple steps, combined with lots of effort, of course.

  1. Clear all debris (large and small) to avoid damaging equipment.
  2. Choose the right mower.ت Flail mowers are generally great for Orchards as they can cut much lower and leave a cleaner cut.تت
  3. Rotary mowers and brush hogs can be a better option for pastures and fields as they can cut through tall, thick brush much more efficiently.ت They won’t give you a nice “golf course” looking cut however, but hey, it’s a pasture or orchard not the back 9.
  4. Always be aware of your surroundings as rocks and debris can be thrown hundreds of feet from behind these mowers. Safety first!

From: Sunset Landscapes, Orland, California